My Parents
fake: S. Tripodi
2019, 20” x 20”, Acrylic | From The Chabon
Installation View : San Francisco, CA
original: David Hockney
1977, Oil on Canvas, 76.25 x 76.25” | The Tate
Hockey completed this work after two failed attempts at painting his parents, Kenneth and Laura Hockney. They were frustrated when Hockney gave up on previous versions, having spent hours posing for him. However, speaking about their reaction to My Parents, Hockney’s sister Margaret said, ‘Mum and Dad were very proud of it, and felt all the sittings had been worthwhile,’. Kenneth and Laura’s poses may reflect their personalities. Laura is gazing directly at the viewer. Kenneth, known for fidgeting during sittings, is shown reading, as though he has forgotten he is being observed. - The Tate